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All About the Spotted Dove and its Other Names

The spotted dove, also known as Streptopelia chinensis or the Indian Turtle Dove, is a species of bird found primarily in Southeast Asia. These are popular birds, often kept in aviaries, due to their calm nature and beautiful cooing calls. They are known by several other names across different regions of the world. In this article, we will explore the various names by which this species is known.

Spotted Dove

The spotted dove gets its name from the pattern of spots on its feathers. The bird is generally a light shade of brown with a distinct black patch on the lower part of its neck. You can observe different shades of brown on its wings and back, and the spots on its wings are larger than those on its body.

Indian Turtle Dove

The Indian Turtle Dove is another name given to this species of birds. This name comes from their serene nature and slow movements, which are reminiscent of turtles. These birds have a calm and peaceful personality, which has made them a popular pet choice in many countries. They are known for their cooing calls, which are soothing to the ear.

Many Other Names

The spotted dove goes by several other names, depending on where it is found around the world. For instance, in Australia, this species is called the Spotted Turtledove. In Indonesia and Malaysia, it is called Burung Tekukur or Tekukur Biasa, while in Singapore and Thailand, it is called the Little Brown Dove. In Japan, it is called the Nanyorozu-bato, and in the Philippines, it is called the Batotay.

The name of the bird varies depending on where it is found. However, regardless of the name, this bird is recognized for its beautiful cooing calls and its serene and calm personality.


The spotted dove, or Streptopelia chinensis, goes by different names depending on where it is found around the world. These names are often given based on the physical characteristics or the temperament of the bird. Regardless of what it is called, this species of bird is cherished by many due to its beautiful cooing calls and its calm and peaceful nature.

  1. Introduction
  2. Spotted Dove
  3. Indian Turtle Dove
  4. Many Other Names
  5. Conclusion