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Are Cats Really the Natural Predators of Spotted Doves?

A popular perception is that cats are the primary enemies of spotted doves or Eurasian collared-doves, commonly known as "ring-necked doves." These birds are considered pests in some regions where they damage crops and compete with native species. While cats may indeed prey on spotted doves, scientific evidence indicates that cats are not their primary predators.

The Diet of Spotted Doves

Spotted doves are primarily seed-eaters and feed on a variety of plants, including grains, fruits, and nuts. They are also attracted to bird feeders and readily consume millet and sunflower seeds. Occasionally, they will eat insects and small invertebrates but this constitutes only a small portion of their diet.

Predators of Spotted Doves

Spotted doves have several natural predators, depending on their habitat and location. In urban areas and suburban neighborhoods, their main predators are domestic cats, but can also include dogs, rats, and raccoons. However, in rural areas, their predators consist of falcons, hawks, snakes, weasels, and foxes, as well as feral cats.

Cat-Dove Interactions

Domestic cats are known to prey on birds, including spotted doves, but they are not as efficient as some other predators due to their low success rate. Studies have shown that cats catch less than 5% of the birds they attempt to catch. Additionally, cats are opportunistic predators and will eat whatever they can catch, including mice, insects, and even vegetation. Therefore, their impact on spotted dove populations may be limited.

Protecting Spotted Dove Populations

The most significant threats to spotted doves are habitat loss and habitat fragmentation. Human activities, such as deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture, have destroyed and degraded much of their natural habitats. To protect spotted dove populations, conservation measures need to focus on habitat restoration and protection. This can include planting native vegetation, creating green spaces, and limiting development in sensitive areas.


Cats are among many natural predators of spotted doves, but they are not their primary predator. Spotted doves face threats from a range of predators, as well as habitat loss and fragmentation. Protecting these birds requires a conservation approach that addresses both the direct and indirect impacts of human activities on their environment.


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