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1. Introduction Out of all the birds that migrate every year, there are always a few oddballs. These migratory birds don't follow the traditional paths of their species and instead branch out on their own, flying alone in different directions. But as they make their way through new territory, do these outliers still communicate with their kind? Do they sing their songs like the rest of their species? 2. The Science of Birdsong Birds use complex songs to communicate with one another, from attractively singing to attract a mate to signaling danger. Birdsong is controlled by the brain, specifically in an area called the song system. The song system is made up of four nuclei that work together to produce and control songs in birds. 3. The Vocal Abilities of Migratory Birds Many migratory birds are known for their beautiful vocal abilities, including warblers, thrushes, and finches. They use their songs to attract mates, defend territories, and stay in communication with others of their species while migrating. But do the birds that deviate from the traditional migration path also have these abilities? 4. The Outliers Some migratory birds are known for their tendency to go rogue. They might fly off course, fly alone, or even decide to stay put rather than migrating at all. Examples include a single bird that got lost during migration and ended up in Iceland or another bird that decided to skip a migration entirely and hang out in a Canadian barn for a winter. 5. Do They Still Sing? It's difficult to say whether oddball migratory birds still sing their typical songs while on their unique journey. It's possible that they encounter other birds of their species and continue to communicate, but without observing the behavior firsthand, it's challenging to know for sure. 6. Conclusion In conclusion, while there is no straightforward answer, it's reasonable to assume that most outliers still sing. Singing is a fundamental part of birds’ behavior, and it would be surprising if it suddenly stopped when they were flying solo or on a new path. Still, it’s a fascinating topic that requires further investigation. Perhaps one day we will have the technology to track these lone travelers and determine whether or not they use their songs to communicate.




